No Bra Day. There are lot of times when certain Styles does not need a Bra or so certain Products does Trick. Booby Tape is the ideal product in such a case as this offers multiple choices. You can use booby tape to create push-up effect without wearing a Bra and you can even create a Bandeau bra effect with the Booby tape without wearing a bra. You must always use a very high-quality product which has high quality Fabric along with high quality Glue. You cab even use it with off shoulder or one-sided Dress.

Nipple cover is anther product for this aspect as sometimes nipple impressions and show can pull some unwanted attention in negative way. This product is must have as you might wear it with Booby tape or modeling petticoat.

Avoiding Panty Lines- A High slit dress needs a panty which should not be visible no matter how high slit is so a string panty or thong should be the part of every wardrobe. Also, a tight skirt would need a Thong to avoid panty line.

A mild slimming high waist product will also cover all the panty line and would make the lower abdomen area slimmer.

Skirt Fashion- (Slimming and avoiding peek a boo) – Most important thing with skirt is to smoothen the thigh area and in case there is an extra fat, your choice should be the skirt shaper or liner as this takes care of 02 things. It gives slimming look to your side view as well the lower abdomen area is lifted.

A modeling petticoat is something which give an elegant look to you fashion as provides symmetry to the skirt fashion with upper body.

Longer looks to your legs- Flaunting the legs which is an important part of sensuality need some specific fashion tricks. Back seamed stocking is such an elegant product you must always have in your armory because this makes your legs elegant and sexy.

Using garter belt is an ideal product to provide the longer and sensual look to your lower body. You can also use it to make your private moments sensual by providing a sexual look to your legs.

Avoiding Bulges or Low abdomen slimming – With Indian Women the most important product is saree shapewear to flaunt their saree fashion. Saree shapers summarize the lower abdomen area and at the same time your all movements are very smooth and without any restrictions.

High waist slimming tights are a perfect product as in low abdomen are the 1st problem is that fat is creating loose hanging effect and these tight they lift the complete abdomen area as well given them slimming look. They also provide the symmetrical look to your belly and lower abdomen area.

No top with open Blazers – The best fashion trend now days is to wear a high-quality Bikini top without a bra as this is creates a powerful fashion statement. This also provides more options open blazer fashion.

With open blazers you can also wear a multicolor bra as this would match with any colors as well a flamboyant look is created.